In order to proceed with the modification of your file at the central, please complete the form below. Please note that from now on we must provide a minimum of three numbers before contacting the authorities for the intrusion alarm. Please enter the contact information in the order you wish to be reached.
Intrusion alarm
In the case of an intrusion alarm, the calling priority will be as follows. First, we will call on site, then we will try calling the person listed responsibles and in last the authorities. If you wish to change the calling order priority, please contact us.
A minimum of three phone numbers are required before we can call the authorities.
Fire alarm
In the event of a fire alarm, we call on the scene, then the fire brigade, then the contact person. If you want to change the order of call, please mention it in your procedures.
Panic alarm
In case of a panic alarm, we call the police, then the contact person. If you want to change the order of call, please mention it in your procedures.
Other procedure
Please describe the procedure.